Scientists nearing end of Gulf of Alaska salmon survey. Russian scientists are nearing the end a new trawling survey of salmon as part of an international exhibition. The research is being carried out on the Canadian vessel Pacific Legashi in the Gulf of Alaska.
The international scientific expedition began a new survey of salmon in the Gulf of Alaska. As part of a scientific group of 12 scientists – three specialists of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), Canadian and American scientists.
“The expedition is a continuation of international scientific research aimed at identifying mechanisms and factors of the environment that determine the annual number and condition of Pacific salmon,” said the director of VNIRO – Kirill Kolonchin.
During the expedition, scientists will study a wide range of issues: the state of fish and their age, pathogens, the DNA of the environment in samples of sea water, phyto- and zooplankton.
The Canadian ship Pacific Legashi came out on March 11 from Victoria (the capital of British Columbia province). The project for the study in the Gulf of Alaska of salmon of northern Pacifiki started in 2019, in the International Year of Salmon.
It is planned that Pacific Legashi will work for 25 days with a shift to Dutch Harbour to change part of the scientific group (scientists of the United States and Canada). The expedition will be completed in early April.