Are pelagic fisheries entering new waters? Coastal States negotiations unpacked. For years, the unified voice of the global marketplace for sustainable seafood – The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) […]
Newly published ICES advice reveals further reductions in catch are required. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) recently published advice on Northeast Atlantic pelagic stocks. The […]
Urgent government action needed to protect vital pelagic fish stocks in the North-East Atlantic. New scientific advice shows herring, blue whiting and mackerel stocks over-exploited in 2021. The Marine Stewardship […]
Scottish mackerel and herring processors call for urgent action on soaring energy costs. The Scottish Pelagic Processors Association (SPPA) – the representative organisation for Scotland’s mackerel, herring and blue whiting […]
Pelagic Industry Briefing Document to ensure informed opinion of the sector. The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) has produced a ‘Pelagic Industry Briefing Document’ aimed at politicians and other interested […]
Working together to manage Scotland’s fish stocks. Scotland’s fishing industry will take a new hands-on role in collecting the data used to make yearly management decisions about herring, mackerel and […]
After a decade of deadlock, it’s time to seek help – NAPA’s message to Coastal States. The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) has released a position paper setting out […]
Atlantic High Fishing Company clarifies blue whiting incident. In a statement, The Atlantic High Sea Fishing Company, owner of the Margiris vessel, and a member of the Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association […]
Spillage of 100 000 blue whiting a ‘drop in the ocean’ in comparison to routine overfishing by Coastal States, says global supply chain collective. The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group […]
Brim fleet catches 147000 tonnes in 2021. The Icelandic company Brim’s fleet landed a total of 147000 tonnes in 2021, which is 19,000 tonnes more than the 2020 total. The […]
Possible solution to trawl problem with blue whiting. Blue whiting is a small gadoid fish that is fished largely west of the British Isles. But the fishermen have a problem […]
MSC calls for action on overfishing of pelagics in NE Atlantic. The MSC was present at the recent Arctic Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland, where they hosted a seminar on overfishing […]
MarinTrust formally accepts the NE Atlantic blue whiting FIP onto the MarinTrust Improver Programme. The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) – a collective of nearly 50 retailers and supply […]
Urgent need for sustainable, science-driven management for herring, mackerel & whiting – Advice from ICES. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has today published advice on […]
NAPA welcomes first member from Asia -Japanese retailer joins call for sustainability in pelagic fisheries. NAPA’s call for sustainability in pelagic fisheries draws support from retail in Asia The North […]
Icelandic vessels land decent catches of blue whiting. Icelandic pelagic vessel Venus was alongside in Vopnafjörður last week with 2500 tonnes of blue whiting on board, with sister ship Víkingur […]
North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group established to drive improvements in management of fisheries. A new supply chain led initiative, focused on driving improvements to the management of the North East […]
Norwegian sandeel fishery still going strong. The sandeel fishery is still good, and a Faroe vessel delivered a record breaking catch this week with blue whiting, reports reports Norges […]
Blue whiting proving elusive for Icelandic vessels. Blue whiting is proving elusive for Icelandic fishing vessels as they search out for the best marks. ‘It hasn’t been bad, but there’s […]
Blue whiting proving elusive for Icelandic vessels. Two Icelandic pelagic vessels have had no luck so far in finding blue whiting as they migrate northwards towards the Faroese EEZ. “We’ve […]