‘Too risky’ to delay investment in safe and viable Net Zero fishing vessels. Delaying investment in net zero fishing vessels is a risky strategy, according to a new report commissioned […]
FIS opens its doors to the UK seafood community. Fisheries Innovation Scotland announces new name and remit. At the FIS AGM in December, the Board formally agreed that FIS should […]
How satellite technology could transform Scottish seafood. Fisheries Innovation Scotland (FIS) has announced a ground-breaking collaboration between space and sea, as it commissions tech company Space Intelligence to conduct ‘blue sky’ research […]
FIS announce new projects to help strengthen the Scottish seafood sector. Fisheries Innovation Scotland (FIS) today announced two new projects, following invitations for pioneering research issued in late 2020. FIS, […]
Bringing together fishermen and experts in the seafood supply chain to champion innovation Fathom podcast, in conversation with Kara Brydson from Fisheries Innovation Scotland and Paul Macdonald from the Scottish […]
Scottish Fishermen Trial Mobile App. Scottish fishermen trial mobile real-time reporting app to avoid unwanted catches. A pioneering collaboration between Scottish fishermen and scientists will allow state-of-the-art technology to be […]