A belly full of jelly. For a long time, scientists assumed that jellyfish were a dead-end food source for predatory fish. However, a team from the Alfred Wegener Institute together […]
Dreaded ‘man o’ wars’ can be used in valuable cosmetic products. The ‘Portuguese man o’ war’ jellyfish cause panic and alarm, and an encounter can be extremely painful. But now these […]
Jellyfish size might influence their nutritional value. If jellyfish are 95% water, what makes them such nutritious snacks for so many marine organisms? Drifting along in ocean currents, jellyfish can […]
Thai Union invests in UK-based Jellagen. Thai Union Group PCL has announced that its Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) Fund has joined other strategic and financial partners investing in UK-based Jellagen’s £8.7 million Series […]
Jellyfish are vital to our commercial fisheries. Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast have coined jellyfish, ‘the gingerbread house’, conveying their newly discovered role in providing both food and shelter to […]
Jellyfish chemicals could help protect UK marine life. Scientists at the University of Southampton have developed maps of chemicals found in jellyfish which could offer a new tool for conservation […]