Researchers gauge willingness of small-scale fishers to adopt vessel tracking systems. By Sonia Fernandez Roughly half of all global seafood is caught by artisanal fishers — individuals who operate on […]
Algal blooms could threaten shellfish health and aquaculture productivity. Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a known and well-managed risk to food safety and human health, with extensive monitoring and mitigation […]
Groundbreaking genetics study proves California white seabass hatchery a success. Estimates now show that roughly 30% of wild caught adult white seabass may have origins back to a hatchery programme. California must […]
Scallops swim into illuminated fishing pots. Scallops are drawn to illuminated fishing pots like moths to a flame, new research shows. The study examined the effect of LED lights on crab […]
Project Fisheye comes to an end. Project Fisheye, led by SafetyNet Technologies and part funded by The Marine Management Organisation (via FaSS funding), has come to an end after three […]
Co-management in Sweden: Fishers and conservationists join forces. In 2009, the Swedish authorities established a national marine park in Kosterhavets in western Sweden. The park covers an area of some 390 km2 and […]
Improved genetics indicates a bright future for Earth Ocean Farm. World-leading genetic scientists from the Centre for Aquaculture Technologies have partnered with Earth Ocean Farms in Baja Mexico to unpack […]
Researchers explore ways to make hatchery steelhead more like wild fish. Hatchery-raised steelhead trout have offspring that are good at gaining size under hatchery conditions but don’t survive as well […]
Fish oils used to create key component for eco-friendly detergent. Scottish start-up Eco Clean Team is undertaking a research project with experts from the University of St Andrews to develop […]
BlueNalu appoints its first independent board director. BlueNalu, a leading innovative food company developing a variety of seafood products directly from fish cells, has appointed Mary K. Wagner, Ph.D. as […]
Success for Canada’s ghost gear programme Abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear, or ‘ghost gear,’ is a leading cause of marine debris around the world and has damaging impacts on […]
New strategic partnership between SPFA and Shetland UHI will boost pelagic fish stock science. The Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association (SPFA) and Shetland UHI have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) […]
Canada is failing fisheries says Oceana. Oceana Canada has released its fifth annual Fishery Audit, showing that despite significant government commitments and investments, the health of Canada’s wild fish has not […]
EU violates UN Fish Stock Agreement: Legal opinion. A few days before the start of the annual meeting of the regional fishery management organisation ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation […]
SPFA and Shetland UHI agree new strategic partnership to boost pelagic fish stock science. The Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association (SPFA) and Shetland UHI have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) […]
Disrupting the body clocks of fish could be bad for their health. New research reveals the body clocks of rainbow trout shape daily rhythms of their immune system and the […]
KIMO report takes in-depth look at ghost gear problem. KIMO Sweden releases their much awaited report investigating the problem of ghost gear last month. Each year KIMO Sweden present a […]
New website for EU Regional Coordination Groups. A new website for EU Regional Coordination Groups (RCGs) is now available. It offers information about the work of the RCGs, including details of […]
EC publishes report on implementation of technical measures. The European Commission has published the first report on the implementation of the Technical Measures Regulation (TMR), which sets out the conservation measures […]
Landmark assessment finds ocean food offer untapped potential for global development. An unprecedented review of the aquatic foods sector has uncovered how fisheries and aquaculture can play a greater role […]