NE Atlantic coastal states reach agreement on key pelagic TACs. The delegations of the European Union, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom (coastal states) reached an […]
Feed industry fears for the future of blue whiting: A call to action. In an open letter to the Norwegian Government, the North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group calls upon Norway […]
Long-standing Vice-Chairman stands down at SPFA. A new Vice-Chairman has been appointed by the Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association (SPFA), after David Hutchison, skipper of the Charisma (LK 362), stood down […]
Mackerel boost for Irish fleet. Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, has successfully secured an increased Mackerel quota share for the Irish fleet. Following intensive engagement […]
Update on liquidity aid scheme for Pelagic Segment of the Irish fishing fleet. Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue TD, has announced that the Tier 1 […]
Scottish mackerel sector calls for resolution to quota share dispute. Following the recent setting of the total allowable catch (TAC) of North-east Atlantic mackerel (and blue whiting and Atlanto-Scandian herring) […]
Fewer Norwegian boats fishing for herring last week. Fewer Norwegian boats have been active on herring last week, and a total of 16 boats have contributed 4,300 tonnes of catches, […]
Blue whiting season gradually winds down. As expected, there was a modest quantity of blue whiting caught by the Norwegian fleet, with 12,000 tonnes in the record, reports pelagic organisation, […]
Scottish fishing group calls out MCS advice to avoid eating mackerel. The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) – a seafood industry organisation dedicated to ensuring stock sustainability for mackerel and […]
Coastal States fail spectacularly to meet their own deadline to agree shares on Northeast Atlantic Mackerel. TIME’S UP! In December 2022, the Northeast Atlantic Coastal States announced they had set […]
Golden opportunity for Northeast Atlantic blue whiting: “Don’t blow it” say top seafood supply-chain businesses. Blue whiting: A narrative of mismanagement. Blue whiting is a prized, pelagic quota species of […]
Norway meeting on sharing pelagic price information. Norway’s Sildesalgslag and Sjømat Norge have met to discuss how price information should be handled in the future. The background is that the […]
NAPA catches first member company from the USA, as the market’s influence on Northeast Atlantic pelagic fisheries grows. The North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA) has announced its first member […]
Interview with CEO of NAFC. In this exclusive interview with Fish Focus, Phil Haslam, CEO of the North Atlantic Fishing Company, scotches some of myths with regards to pelagic fishing […]
Good herring fishing for Norwegian fleet. Fishing for Norwegian spring spawning herring was very good at the beginning of last week with Tuesday being the best day with well over […]
North Sea herring fishery and Cornish sardine fisherman honoured in MSC UK Sustainable Seafood Awards. The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG), part of the client group for an MSC certified […]
NAPA and the MSC unite. “This overfishing can’t go on” – NAPA and the MSC unite in calling for tangible action on sustainable management of pelagic stocks at the 2022 […]
Sustainable Development Goals for the pelagic fishing sector The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) were announced in 2015 by the United Nations and 17 SDGs were formulated to contribute to the […]
Update on Norwegian pelagic fishing season. Norwegian pelagic sales group Norges Sildesalgslag has provided an update on pelagic fishing for fishing season week 34. Kenneth Garvik of the group, writes: […]