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Danish technology prevents disasters for market-leading fish farmers. Danish technology makes it easier to ensure water quality in fish farms. Mowi, one of the world’s largest producers of farm-raised fish, uses Blue Unit Solution to prevent disasters and ensure optimal conditions for the fish.

According to the UN, fish farming is one of the world’s fastest growing industries, and half of the world’s consumed fish are raised on farms. As the industry grows, the industry has increasingly set its eyes on improving animal welfare and developing new technologies that can ensure an optimal environment for the fish while also optimising production.

With more than 400.000 tons of salmon produced every year, Norwegian seafood producer Mowi produces a fifth of all farm-raised Atlantic salmon in the world, making them one of industry’s biggest players. To ensure their production capabilities and market position in the future, Mowi has begun working with Danish Blue Unit, who produce data- and visualisation technology to improve water quality control in the farms and thereby create a stable and sustainable production environment for the fish.

 – The data we receive from Blue Unit is very instructive to us. We have gained completely new knowledge on how things work, and it makes it possible for us to react and adjust, so that we ensure optimal conditions, says Erik Salveson, COO of the land-based fish farm Steinsvik in Norway, which acted as Mowi’s test location for Blue Unit Solutions.DANISH TECHNOLOGY PREVENTS DISASTERS 2

Disasters can be prevented

Blue Unit Solutions is a centralised monitoring system for RAS-farms. The specially designed censors collect 13 different water quality parameters from up to 12 locations in the facility at the time. The censors measure parameters including CO2-levels, the pH-value, and H2S-contents. All are relevant factors for Mowi, but especially the water’s level of H2S, hydrogen sulphide, demands special attention from the producer.

 H2S can be dangerous because heightened concentrations of hydrogen sulphide quickly can lead to disease and fish mortality. A swift reaction is critical when such concentrations occur. The monitoring system measures values around the clock. In case of sudden fluctuations in water quality, Blue Unit’s cloud-based analytics system can rapidly inform where and why it’s happening.

 – What Blue Unit Solution specifically can do for us is supply us with knowledge and data, so we can proactively prevent disasters. By always following the data, we can jump to action immediately in case of fluctuations in for example H2S. By avoiding disasters, we can save a lot of money and prevent fish mortality, says Erik Salveson.

Data collection

The Blue Unit Solutions system registers all collected data in a registry that clients can access. They can then anonymously compare benchmark values with similar farms around the globe and become more knowledgeable on specific data.

 – Access to the central databank can help producers become more knowledgeable with regards to their own data and performance, and with that create the optimal environment for water quality. The system can help producers with optimisation of feed, improvement of animal welfare, and an improved bottom line, says David Owen, founder of Blue Unit.

Blue Unit has also collected a significant knowledge base in how to best analyse and utilise collected data correctly, so the data can give a deepened understanding of water quality and production for the producers.

 – Water quality data is vital to our fish farm’s production and development. There’s no doubt that we have had great benefit from using Blue Unit Solution, says Erik Salveson.

 Facts: Blue Unit Solution

•       An all-in-one water quality surveillance system with subscription-based software that collects data and gives 24/7 insight into the farm’s status

•       Specially designed censors measure the following water quality parameters: pH, O2, opaqueness, conductivity, redox, rH (redox less pH), salt contents, temperature, totally dissolved matter, available CO2, total CO2, H2S, non-carbonate alkalinity (surrogate of ammoniac)

•       2700 data-points daily that are uploaded to the Cloud accessible via external units

•       Early warning system that shows where, when, and why changes in water quality occurs

•       Built-in alarm system triggered at critical levels

•       Compares benchmark values with similar farms in the industry
