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Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability. Participate in the upcoming EMEA Dialogue Regional Working Sessions, October 23, 2023.

The GDST team was in Singapore at Seafood Expo Asia in full force. GDST ran a workshop as part of the conference programme. Most important, it was first Dialogue Regional Working Session in three years. It was a full day affair, with a morning session for the Dialogue Advisory Group, an afternoon session for Production and Markets (all industry participants) and a lunch in between for all in-person attendees. It was a great event, and a wonderful opportunity for partners and friends in the APAC region to learn about and contribute to the GDST’s efforts.

Are you based in or do you do business in the EMEA region?  If so, please participate in the upcoming Regional Working Session on Monday, October 23, 2023. The in-person component will be held in Cape Town, South Africa in conjunction with the annual IFFO conference.  It will be running online as well, and GDST hope that you will attend, wherever you are.

What will be covered at the Regional Working Session? The morning session will start with a history of the GDST, then a review of the current landscape in terms of Sustainability, Traceability and Regulatory trends and expectations. The Sustainability component will be presented by the Global Seafood Sustainability Initiative. This will be followed by a review of the current Standard, plus a presentation by the Institute of Food Technologists of the tools and tests that they have developed to support implementation of the Standard. They will also identify areas of future focus, including expanding the standard to meet the needs of the newly agreed EU Fisheries Control System and FDA FSMA section 204. GDST will then open thing up to a Q&A and Input session.

The afternoon session debuts our Framework expansion model, which allows for fisheries and supply chains to voluntarily capture and share traceable data in additional focus areas. GDST partners MarinTrust and FIA PNG will respectively share their framework proposals on marine ingredients and social accountability for review discussion and input.

The morning session is open to all participants from 10:00- 11:45 am Central European/ South African Standard Time. It continues uninterrupted as the afternoon Dialogue Advisory Group (all non-industry stakeholders) meeting from 11:45 am- 12:45 pm. If you are interested in attending online please click here to register.

The afternoon session for Production and Markets runs from 12:50 pm – 2:20 pm. To register to attend this event online click here.

If you are in Cape Town or plan to travel there and would like to attend this event in person please email richard.stavis@thegdst.org to receive the appropriate registration links.
