Minimising Chum Salmon Bycatch . Statement from the Alaska Pollock Fishery Alliance on Recent Council Action to Minimise Chum Salmon Bycatch in the Bering Sea Pollock Fishery.
The recent North Pacific Fishery Management Council meeting provided an opportunity to hear from more than 100 individuals who shared their perspectives on the issue of chum salmon bycatch.
The pollock fishery shares in the concern about the challenges being felt by Western and interior Alaska residents and are committed to doing our part to find science-based management responses that further reduce incidental catch of Western Alaska chum salmon.
Testimony also highlighted the amount of hatchery chum salmon produced by Russia is significant and growing every year. Several options being reviewed by the Council could set trigger closures based on these Russian hatchery fish, at the expense of avoiding Western Alaska chum salmon. This approach harms pollock-dependent communities without benefit to those that depend on Western Alaska chum salmon.
The pollock fishery will continue to provide factual information, sound science, and new technology to address chum salmon bycatch as part of our commitment to continuous improvement.
About the Alaska Pollock Fishery Alliance (APFA)
The Alaska Pollock Fishery Alliance (APFA) was established to serve as a cohesive voice for Alaska’s pollock fishery. APFA aims to underscore the industry’s dedication to employing science-driven management practices and promoting the sustainable harvesting of Alaska pollock. By uniting stakeholders from harvesters to processors, buyers, and CDQ programs, APFA contributes a vital perspective to discussions regarding the responsible management of Alaska’s pollock fishery and the Eastern Bering Sea marine ecosystem. Their advocacy is rooted in research-supported strategies and scientific principles.