New BRC training for seafood producers is being offered by Seafish, the public body that supports the £10bn UK seafood industry, along with the Scottish Seafood Training Network, to fish and shellfish producers looking to make the transition to the next version of British Retail Consortium (BRC) standards.
The BRC Standard for Food Safety is the highest standard that food producers need to meet so that they can supply the major supermarkets and similar retailers. Every few years the BRC updates the standard and from February 2019 all supplier audits will use Version 8 of the Standard.
There are currently 145 BRC certified seafood companies within the UK, it is essential that they are aware of the changes and suitably trained against the latest version. Scottish seafood producers are being encouraged to sign up now for training in February to make sure they are ready for the transition
Delivered by Acoura, this one-day training course will provide a valuable, cost effective route for businesses that already have BRC Certification or individuals with knowledge of BRC version 7 who wish to maintain their understanding for the new version.
John Ahrens from Creative Food Group, who attended the course recently described it as “clear and informative and the workshop tasks and exercises thought provoking and stimulating.”
Booking is now open for a training session on Tuesday 12th February at the new Peterhead Fish Market. Attendance on the course costs £200 +VAT per person. Places are limited so bookings should be confirmed by the end of November at the latest to secure a place.
To make an enquiry about the course or to reserve a place, contact or 01472 252300.
Additional courses can also be delivered elsewhere in Scotland, or even other parts of the UK, if there is sufficient demand so producers from other areas are also encouraged to get in touch to register their interest.