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Commercial Fishing



Rhodri Morgan joins search for Nicola Faith – MAIB investigation update. A spokesperson for the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) said:

“We are delighted that the Welsh Government Fisheries Patrol Vessel, Rhodri Morgan, joined the search, yesterday, for the missing fishing vessel the Nicola Faith. The Rhodri Morgan will be mobilised with a towable multi-pulse side scan sonar. We are extremely grateful to the crew and technicians onboard for their collaboration.

“In addition, mounted on a second vessel, Natural Resource Wales are also operating a high definition side scan sonar which has been used by the MAIB for a number of days.

“MAIB remains focused on getting answers for the families and learning what went wrong so that steps can be taken to prevent this happening again.”

About the Marine Accident Investigation Branch

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch is a UK government organisation, authorised to investigate all maritime accidents in UK waters and accidents involving UK registered ships worldwide. Investigations are limited to establishing cause, promoting awareness of risks and preventing recurrence. It also participates in other maritime investigations where British citizens are involved.

The role of the MAIB is to contribute to safety at sea by determining the causes and circumstances of marine accidents and working with others to reduce the likelihood of such accidents recurring in the future. Accident investigations are conducted solely in the interest of future safety. The Branch does not apportion blame and it does not establish liability, enforce laws or carry out prosecutions.
