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Seafood 2040 research into skill training and recruitment issues. The Seafood 2040 Strategic Framework for England is seeking to capture the seafood industry’s thoughts on labour market patterns, training and career planning in order to ensure industry has the right tools to prosper and retain talent.

The research will be facilitated by Seafish, the public body that supports the £10bn UK seafood industry and is funded by the European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF). It will identify the issues, gaps and solutions in skills, training, recruitment, and retention in the fishing, aquaculture, processing, fishmonger (supermarkets and independents) and fish fryer sectors.

Interested companies or individuals will be asked to complete an online survey specific to their sector. A small sample will also be asked to further participate in workshops in the Southwest, Southeast/London and Yorkshire/Lincolnshire and/or a one-to-one telephone interview.

Kimberly Cullen, Project Manager, said: “This research is an excellent opportunity for business and vessel owners in the catching, processing, aquaculture, fish fryer and fishmonger sectors to tell us exactly what  challenges they face in skills development, training availability, career development, and the recruitment and retention of quality staff.

“We’d like to know what is working, what is not and why? Where are the gaps? What are the necessary changes for skills and recruitment improvement in your sector? We want to support meaningful change, so we’re using this research to gather information so the right actions can be taken.”

The Seafood 2040 Strategic Framework is the result of shared enterprise from stakeholders across the seafood supply chain in pursuit of a forward thinking action plan that sets out a vision for an industry that is sustainable and truly thriving. It contains 25 recommendations and is solely focussed on the industry in England.

To participate in the survey contact Kimberly Cullen on kimberly.cullen@seafish.co.uk. For further information on Seafood 2040 visit the website https://seafish.org/article/seafood-2040
