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SSPO changes its name to Salmon Scotland. The Scottish Salmon Producers’ Organisation will be changing its name to reflect its trade body responsibilities and membership for the future. From 1 November, SSPO will become Salmon Scotland, representing Scotland’s salmon producing companies and the wider supply chain.

Tavish Scott, Chief Executive of Salmon Scotland said:

“This is a logical evolution of our trade body. Our reach and role is already wider than just Scotland’s salmon producers. So this subtle but important name change reflects our responsibility to speak for and champion the interests of people, businesses and companies across Scotland’s salmon sector.

“There are businesses and companies working in the salmon sector in very part of Scotland – in each parliamentary constituency. So it is essential that we reflect that in our name and our activities.”

The change of name to Salmon Scotland will be accompanied by a new logo featuring a salmon and saltire which will be seen on the company’s website and other marketing materials from Monday 1 November.

About the SSPO

It is the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation’s (SSPO) job to help create the conditions for the long-term, sustainable growth of the sector and to give more consumers, at home and abroad, the chance to enjoy this world renowned, low-fat, healthy protein.

They represent every company farming salmon in Scotland, championing the sector’s interests. They also work with their members, the UK and Scottish governments and regulators to help shape the regulatory environment so both Scotland and our members can thrive.

The SSPO is governed by a board drawn from leaders in their membership with an independent chair. Their top priorities are to:

  • Support work to transform the regulatory framework for salmon farming in Scotland to one that is highly regarded, trusted by stakeholders and unlocks the sustainable growth of the sector.
  • Develop a sector vision to ensure Scottish salmon is at the forefront of sustainability
  • Improve understanding of the Scottish salmon farming sector and offer open and transparent insight into how it operates.