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Commercial Fishing


Steady fishing by Norwegian fleet for herring and mackerel

Steady fishing by Norwegian fleet for herring and mackerel

According to the Norwegian pelagic sales organisation Norges Sildsalgslag, week 3 of the year for Norwegian spring spawning herring (NVG) has been somewhat affected by bad weather, but well over 33,000 tonnes have been registered in the journal and Friday came out as the best registration day with 5,600 tonnes. The smallest fleet has locked up 330 tonnes this week and there are still reports of good herring in the fjords, both in Kvænangen and on the Reisafjorden. The larger vessels have taken their catches outside the fjord lines here and it doesn’t look like the herring are in any hurry to move. In addition, there has also been fishing west of Sørøya this week.

As is well known, “Vikingbank” has hunted herring in the Norwegian Sea, but there are reports of few registrations and a large spread of herring in the sea.

The average size of the herring is around 250-300 grams.

It may look like we will also get some stormy weather this week, but it is expected there will be a steady flow on the NVG herring going forward.

Otherwise, it is expected the purse seine fleet to move towards Iceland in the near future, so it will be exciting to see how capelin fishing develops.

The foreign vessels have also had a little taste of the weather this week, but good catches have been recorded in the logbook and a total of 14,000 tonnes of mackerel have been registered. The fishing has mainly taken place north-west of the Orkney Islands and the average size of the mackerel is in the range of 380-400 grams.

Horse mackerel
There has been a good fishery for horse mackerel this week, eight vessels have registered a total of 267 tonnes. The catches are recorded in the area from Osterøy, Vestland in the north to Karmøy, Rogaland in the south. Well over 100 tonnes of the quantity is locked up.

Coastal sprat
Six vessels have caught a total of 130 tonnes of coastal sprat from the Sognefjord this week, 65 tonnes have been locked up.

North Sea herring
The search for North Sea herring has continued this week as well, unfortunately the registrations have not been great.


Photo: Norges Sildesalgslag/Roar Bjånesøy (2023)
