GSSI welcomes COMEPESCA to its Global Partnership. The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative is pleased to announce that COMEPESCA has joined GSSI as an Affiliated Partner. COMEPESCA, through the #PescaConFuturo movement, reaffirms its commitment […]
Investor consortium partners with Baja Aqua-Farms. Continental Grain Company (Conti), Organisación Cultiba SAB de CV (Cultiba), Equity Group Investments (EGI), and Castle Harlan Inc. today announced an investment in Baja […]
SFP Publishes New Sector Reports on Octopus, Mahi-Mahi Production and trade have increased but challenges to sustainable management remain. Two new sector reports by Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) find that, […]
Earth Ocean Farms releases totoaba juveniles in the Sea of Cortez. Earth Ocean Farms (EOF), has carried out its eighth release of Totoaba Macdonaldi. On this occasion, 35,000 juveniles of the […]
Scoular launches new global website Scoular has launched a new global website that provides customers details on local expertise, products and services within seven international regions. The website’s translated microsites […]
Aquatic Animal Alliance urges Universidad Autonoma de Mexico to stop Octopus farm operations in Yucatan. High mortality rate: over 50% of octopus on Yucatan farm fail to reach slaughter size. […]
BAADER Creates Global Holding Company BAADER has established a holding company, the BAADER Global SE, and thus created the basis for establishing BAADER as a European Group. With this new […]
Call to make small pelagic fisheries more sustainable As an MSC briefing underlines the need to protect small pelagic populations, two stakeholders in Mexico tell how they put their differences […]
Vietnam tuna exports to Mexico flourishing. In 2018, Vietnamese tuna exports to Mexico decreased continuously compared to the same period in 2017. However, in 2019, Vietnamese tuna exports to this […]
Endangered porpoise and rampant fishing in biosphere reserve. Sea Shepherd ship M/V Farley Mowat and Museo de la Ballena research vessel Narval encounter dozens of skiffs fishing with prohibited gillnets […]