Mackerel and herring a great source of Vitamin D during pandemic. With the current Covid-19 restrictions meaning that many people are confined indoors for much of the day, there is increased likelihood that many in the population are not getting enough vitamin D from sunshine exposure.
However, there are some foodstuffs that are good sources of vitamin D – including oily fish such as Scottish caught mackerel and herring.
Robert Duthie, chairman of the Scottish Pelagic Processors’ Association said: “Research has shown that both mackerel and herring are good sources of vitamin D, and with the current Covid-19 restrictions confining people indoors for much of the day, it makes sense to ensure that both types of fish form a regular part of our diets.”
Both canned and hot smoked mackerel are widely available in food retailers, as well as fresh fish in season. Herring is also convenient to buy, especially as smoked fish (kippers) or in marinated form.
“Scottish mackerel and herring are sustainably caught, taste great and are inexpensive compared to most other proteins, representing excellent value for money,” added Mr Duthie. “ Both fish are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and are a great source of essential minerals and vitamins.
“Nutritional experts say we should all aim to eat two portions of fish per week, one of which should be an oil-rich fish such as herring or mackerel. In these times when we are all going to have to tighten our belts, mackerel and herring are the perfect meal choice for taste, our health and our pockets.”